our story
how the stars aligned...
Every time we are asked how we met, we immediately become giddy remembering how the stars aligned that blustery weekend in a powerful way. One big reason we know Deeper Currents is a soul driven project is because our first conversations were on the topics of death and grief. We had just arrived separately to the Imagine Festival on Orcas Island in September of 2019 and upon meeting, we both felt familiar to each other and soon realized we lived in the same city. Jen mentioned a workshop to Micaela that was happening the following day on the topics of death and grief.
We ended up attending that workshop together & it was a turning point for us both.
The seed was planted that weekend and within two months we found ourselves on another island near Seattle, attending our first weekend long grief ritual together at Sacred Groves Eco-Retreat. The first ritual we attended was extra special. Micaela needed to bring her family because she had a small baby at the time & Jen stayed with them all in a tiny cabin. As we were walking to Sacred Groves on the last morning, with minds blown at the magnitude of the ritual, Micaela yelled out into the woods “We want to learn this work, someone please teach us!” That very same day an Elder who runs Sacred Groves, Therese Charvet, and Laurence Cole announced that they will be offering the first ever apprenticeship within the next few months. They explained how important it was to teach the next generation of people how to hold grief ritual. We both signed up for that right away.
Now, almost four years later, we have attended many weekend long grief rituals together and have moved into support roles at these life changing rituals. We have co-facilitated several grief support circles and held 1:1 grief support for members of our community. We’ve both completed Death Doula training in 2023 through the Conscious Dying Institute and are the process of launching a podcast called Trusting the Deeper Currents by the end of 2023.
our prayer was answered immediately
Meet Micaela & Jen
the women behind Deeper Currents
meet Micaela
Since I was a young girl I have felt a strong pull to help loved ones through challenging times. One of my most vivid memories I have was taking time off school in eighth grade to be with a friend in deep grief after her father died. I also had the privilege to work with the elderly population for many years before having children. These experiences laid the foundation for my life’s work. I learned how to be present, patient and deeply compassionate.

meet Jen
For as long as I can remember I have been seeking ways to be with and release my grief. The search for holistic healing modalities started around 18 years old but it wasn’t until I was introduced to Shiatsu Therapy (a bodywork modality based in Chinese Medicine) at age 25 that I felt like life made sense. Finally a system that was rooted in the mind, body, spirit connection! This began my studies around supporting others to connect and be with what is present while also listening to the inherent wisdom of the physical and emotional body.
We'd like to recognize some amazing teachers and healers who have supported us over the last several years through in-person classes, rituals, books and teachings.
Therese Charvet from Sacred Groves on Bainbridge Island where Micaela & Jen first experienced being with grief in community. Malidoma Some. Sobonfu Some, Laurence Cole, Francis Weller, Joanna Laws Landis & Will Rogers
Our "5 Pillars of Support" newsletter will be sent out every 4 weeks.
Our intention is to not overwhelm your inbox.